Data insights for climate engineering

  • Direct air capture (carbon)

    Technologies that extract CO2 directly from the atmosphere, for carbon storage or utilisation

  • Biochar burial (charcoal)

    Processes that convert biomass into biochar, a form of charcoal which is then buried in the soil

  • Surface albedo modification

    Reflecting more light back into space by modifying land, urban spaces, farmland, or ice

  • Marine cloud brightening

    Spraying of sea water to brighten marine clouds and reflect more sunlight back into space

Geoengineering as last resort

To meet the 2015 Paris Agreement we need to cut global greenhouse gas emissions by 43% by 2030, a course of action we appear unable to take in such a short time. Fortunately, geoengineering, the deliberate intervention in the Earth’s natural systems to counteract climate change, can be highly effective in reducing global temperatures over relatively short timescales. Given the urgency of the climate crisis, many climate scientists now advocate the use of targeted climate engineering as an additional approach to managing global temperatures.

Methods of climate intervention

A surprisingly wide range of interventions can be used to modify the climate on a local, regional or global scale. Greenhouse Gas Reduction (GGR) measures include: Methane capture, Direct air (carbon) capture, Carbon capture use & storage, Biochar burial, Enhanced rock weathering, Photosynthetic biomass (algae, trees), Ocean fertilization, and Biodiversity restoration. Solar Radiation Management (SRM) methods include: Surface albedo modification, Greening urban areas, Stratospheric aerosol injection, and Marine cloud brightening.

  • Photosynthetic biomass (algae, trees)

    Use of photosynthesizing organisms (plants, algae) to absorb carbon dioxide

  • Enhanced rock weathering

    Accelerated weathering of rocks (basalt, olivine) removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

  • Biodiversity restoration (forests)

    Repairing damaged ecosystems to increase plant and animal biodiversity and absorb carbon

  • Stratospheric aerosol injection

    Injecting sulphur aerosols into the high atmosphere to reflect more sunlight back to space

Our vision at Climate Create

The Climate Create platform is a global database of the most effective geoengineering approaches with user-focused assessment tools that enable: (1) the comparison of climate engineering interventions on a like-for-like basis using life cycle assessments, (2) the creation of detailed reports and charts for internal analysis and external communications, and (3) tools to support engagement with stakeholders to develop policies that explore the benefits and risks with affected communities (surveys, focus groups, citizen assemblies).

Designed for decision-makers

We designed Climate Create for the global public sector, NGOs, academic and research institutions, investors and private companies developing geoengineering solutions. Many governments having entered into legally binding agreement to reach net-zero by 2050. Private companies need industry information to inform product innovation and expand into emerging markets Finance agencies require market intel to guide their investment decisions, and academia seeks to be up-to-date with the latest developments and market trends.

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